Apex Code |
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managed global class.
This read-only file shows the class's global constructors,
methods, variables, and properties.
To enable code to compile, all methods return null.
global class IsStartTodayAction {
global IsStartTodayAction() {
@InvocableMethod(label='Check If Overlap Is Today' description='Checks whether the overlap occurred today.')
global static List<Boolean> isDateTodayInTimezone(List<FSL.IsStartTodayAction.IsServiceStartTodayDecisionRequest> isServiceStartTodayDecisionRequest) {
return null;
global class IsServiceStartTodayDecisionRequest {
@InvocableVariable(label='Object Type' description='The type of object that triggered the overlap.' required=true)
global String eventType;
@InvocableVariable(label='Object Id' description='The ID of the object that caused the overlap.' required=true)
global Id objectId;
@InvocableVariable(label='Resource TimeZone' description='The timezone of the service resource that has the overlap.' required=true)
global String timezoneName;
global IsServiceStartTodayDecisionRequest() {